
Showing posts from May, 2018

Third Party Vendors on Amazon

Topic :   Third party vendors   on Amazon.  They make up a pretty big portion of Amazon’s sales each year.  How has this elevated Amazon?  How does this improve the customer experience?  Also, we will reflect on this year for our club/what we can improve on next year.  We can talk about our future projects and how we can get club funds.

Online Streaming Services

Topic:   Online streaming services .   You name it: Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime.  What makes each of these streaming services unique? How is each of them sustainable/how do their strategies differ? How can there successfully be such a multitude of streaming services in the market? IN ADDITION, we will be talking about a potential business plan for 2018-2019.  I will let you all know if I get information from Mr. Capano about our current club funds.

Strategy and potential business ideas

TOPIC:  Our overarching topic this week is  strategy .  What is strategy?  Is operational effectiveness a strategy in the 21 st  century?  We will look at examples in today’s major industries, such as fast foods, clothing brands, and airlines.  Linked is Michael E. Porter, who works at Harvard Business School, on strategy. IN ADDITION, we will be  brainstorming potential business ideas  on campus. BRING YOUR IDEAS! Some of this may involve coding/other skills, and if necessary, we can do mergers with some people from clubs to get our idea rolling.  Before we land on an idea, I want to make sure we’re all aware of the actual size of our market (1100+ people), the fact that we don’t have external investors, and that profits must be donated.  This will be a good opportunity to put all of the things we’ve talked about in the past into action.