Cryptocurrencies and Digital Payments
Last Wednesday ABC met via Zoom to discuss Cryptocurrencies. We first discussed whether Bitcoin is viable as a currency; Rohan pointed out that currencies need to be stable in order to be widely adopted, and Bitcoin is currently very volatile. Bitcoin also consumes a significant amount of energy per transaction, which makes it inefficient and potentially dangerous to the environment. We also discussed Tesla's purchase of $1.5 Billion worth of Bitcoin, which James pointed out, and whether that is setting a precedent for other S&P 500 companies. This segued into Luc asking the club whether they owned any Bitcoin; no one except Luc owned any. Luc told the rest of the club to "have fun staying poor," a common joke amongst Bitcoiners. Nonetheless, Luc also pointed out that anyone who owns an S&P 500 index fund technically owns Bitcoin, as Tesla ––who owns Bitcoin–– is an S&P 500 component. The meeting next transitioned into a discussion of digital currencies and di...